Public transit - New routes

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Growth is a hot topic these days, both in Dieppe and across Canada! This population growth is having an impact on our infrastructure, including increased demand for public transit.

Dieppe has retained the services of Codiac Transpo and a shuttle company to provide daily public transit service within the municipality.

To meet the strong demand for greater public transit services, the municipality has purchased new buses, which will be in service in 2025. Three new routes are proposed to serve a greater number of people.

Please take a few moments to complete this short survey and indicate your comments in the map of proposed routes.

Growth is a hot topic these days, both in Dieppe and across Canada! This population growth is having an impact on our infrastructure, including increased demand for public transit.

Dieppe has retained the services of Codiac Transpo and a shuttle company to provide daily public transit service within the municipality.

To meet the strong demand for greater public transit services, the municipality has purchased new buses, which will be in service in 2025. Three new routes are proposed to serve a greater number of people.

Please take a few moments to complete this short survey and indicate your comments in the map of proposed routes.

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Map of proposed routes

7 days

Use the pins to indicate where you see advantages or disadvantages associated with the proposed new routes.

The map shows the current bus routes (in black) and the three proposed new routes (in blue, pink and green).

Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 11:20 AM